Pinya HR software improves company and employee performance

DODO operates in 7 markets and the size of the company required a uniform record of employees across countries. Our goal was to find a reliable partner who would offer a system in different languages, as well as the possibility of customization for our needs and the possibility of creating free fields for recording different types of data according to local legislation. We compared several foreign HR software with Pinya HR and we are extremely satisfied with our choice. We really appreciate the customer approach, the speed of response and the whole implementation process. We try to roll out all the modules to all markets, from absence management, to reporting, teaching managers how to work with the system, to export data flexibly. The interconnectivity and synchronization with Outlook calendar is great, the mobile app for very fast absence entry and approval. Pinya HR is making significant strides, professionalizing our HR work, replacing countless excel reports and answering many of the questions managers have.

Renata Pavlištová
Renata Pavlištová
Chief Human Resources Officer, DODO

Due to the relatively rapid growth of our company, it was necessary to find a solution to streamline all HR processes, including all legal aspects, such as demonstrable familiarity with manuals/guidelines. We are very happy that we finally decided on Pinya HR software, which is intuitive, customizable, user-friendly and can be playful. 😊 Besides the SW itself, we appreciate the fast and easy implementation, of course with great support from the Pinya HR team. We also appreciate the constant development of the different modules, even based on our requests, which are not always easy. The mobile app is also great, which all users have loved especially for the super easy attendance tracking. Pinya HR has become a part of our everyday life.

Jana Krákorová
Jana Krákorová
HR & Competency Development Manager, Škoda X s.r.o.

Like many other companies, ours is also dealing with the digitalization of HR, which is greatly assisted by the Pinya HR system. Thanks to it, we can clearly register employees or approve absences. In addition, we also actively use modules such as document generation, property records, medical examinations or standards & manuals, which also help us to a great extent in preboarding and onboarding. I also appreciate the helpfulness and support of the PINYA team and the user-friendliness of the software, which has led to satisfaction with Pinya HR from the employees as well. We plan to use other modules in the future and I believe they will help us to make our work even more efficient and save time for HR managers, supervisors and other employees.

Kristýna Toufarová
Kristýna Toufarová
Head of Live Capital, Angry Beards s.r.o.

The introduction of Pinya HR for a company as large as ours was definitely the right step and a huge milestone in the digitalization of HR processes. Thanks to Pinya HR we have managed to simplify the work of not only the HR team, but also managers and employees. Thanks to automated reminders, managers no longer forget deadlines and learn about changes at that moment. Supervisors approve employee leaves through the mobile app anytime, anywhere. Employees can find their absences approved straight in the system, without waiting and writing out additional leave slips. And thanks to the updates, even colleagues working in warehouses who don't have access to the company network are kept in the loop. In short, the digitalization of HR processes in the form of the implementation of the Pinya HR system has brought us all simplification, insight and time savings.

Ing. Lucia Leváková, MBA
Ing. Lucia Leváková, MBA

In the context of SOLEK's dramatic growth and its expansion into new markets, working with PINYA was more than a sensible decision to respond to these changes quickly and flexibly. In record time for implementation, Pinya HR has become our go-to tool for securely recording employee data across the entire group. With a myriad of different modules, it has become a tool for streamlining our HR work, not only through automatic notifications, deadline tracking, availability of HR news and key company information in one place, but also by making it as professional as possible for our employees. One of the greatest strengths of this HR system is the professionalism, friendliness, support and flexibility of the PINYA team, which allows us to adapt the system to our specific needs and processes. Another advantage is that the system is not only a Czech platform and we can take full advantage of its potential on an international level. Thanks to this international compatibility, we are able to easily share data and reports between our offices around the world, which facilitates global HR management. On behalf of SOLEK HR, we recommend Pinya HR with all ten hands!

Barbora Detary
Barbora Detary
People Experience Manager, SOLEK HOLDING SE

I brought Pinya HR into the organisation after a really great experience in my previous role. I have been looking for HR software for a very long time and Pinya HR is exactly what I expect from a well-functioning system that is very user friendly. It allows us to streamline processes that used to work on paper or excel. Personally, I have been using it for more than a year, and in our organisation the employees came into contact with it a month ago. They consider the automatic processing of attendance and the clarity of information that they did not have available before to be a great help. Thanks to the approval system, we have significantly improved information and clarity. The system is extremely user-friendly and intuitive. The staff adapted to its use very quickly, which contributed to its easy implementation in our work environment.

Marta Slováková
Marta Slováková
CEO, Junior Achievement Slovakia n.o.

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HR software makes it easier to work with your employees and helps you build better relationships with them.