What does it do?

With this module, your employees will be able to easily and securely report their complaints for investigation of unfair conduct in the company. With a single click, they can quickly and conveniently go directly from Pinya HR to the NNTB form, where they fill in their complaint and submit it for review.

NNTB (FaceUp) is the most used and trusted whistleblower protection platform in the country. Today, it is trusted by more than 2,700 organisations worldwide and has helped resolve more than 10,000 whistleblowers in its 5 years of operation. Thanks to its simple and intuitive controls, anyone can send a whistleblower complaint in 2 clicks.

New law on whistleblowing

As of August 1, 2023, a new Whistleblower Protection Act is in effect that imposes new obligations on employers. It distinguishes between two groups of companies, with different deadlines applying to each.

For companies employing more than 249 employees, the new obligations will apply on the date the new law comes into force, i.e. on 1 August 2023.

Employers with more than 50 but fewer than 250 employees have until 15 December 2023 to comply.

Although smaller companies have several months to implement the system, we recommend not to postpone this obligation and not to leave it to the last minute.
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Why choose the combination of Pinya HR and NNTB?

The biggest risk for companies is not the fine for not implementing a whistleblowing system, but the employee who uses an external system instead of an internal one(NNTB, 2023). 

That won't happen to you with our whistleblowing module. Employees can access the reporting form directly from Pinya HR and it only takes a few minutes to report a complaint. In the NNTB platform, you can customize the fomule as per your needs, set up languages, permissions, notifications and much more. The setup is not complicated and with the help of detailed onboarding, anyone can do it.

However, after ordering the module, we will be happy to guide you through the system and train you.

In addition, thanks to our partnership, you will receive a 15% discount on the price offered.

✔ You will support building a safe working environment.

✔ Employees can find everything in one place.

✔ Save time and money.

✔ You get an efficient and safe solution.

✔ You meet the legal conditions.

✔ You will get an electronic record of the suggestions.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much will I pay for the whistleblowing module?

When will I pay?

Will I pay a fee to activate the whistleblowing module?

What do I need to activate the module?

How long does it take to implement?

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