Maids in the office. What plants are suitable for the office and why?

Maids in the office. What plants are suitable for the office and why?

Aimed at the maids. Why get plants and flowers for the office?

Houseplants are a great way to make the office more pleasant, "green" and healthy. Plants are proven to clean the air, absorb moisture and absorb pollutants. Their positive effect on humans also lies in their relaxing and aesthetic effects. Houseplants have a positive effect on relieving headaches or eye irritation.  

Why get houseplants for the office?

Help reduce stress

Research from the University of Technology Sydney in 2010 shows that the presence of plants in the office has been shown to contribute to the psychological well-being of employees.

They help increase productivity

According to 2014 research by the University of Exeter, the presence of houseplants in the office increases employee productivity. Placing at least one plant per square foot so that every employee can see the plant from their desk improves memory and helps employees perform better at work, according to the research.

Help reduce employee illness

A small study by the Agricultural University of Norway in the 1990s found that placing plants in the office reduced symptoms of poor employee health by 25% - including fatigue, concentration problems, dry skin and irritation of the nose and eyes.

They make the working environment more attractive

Purifies the air

According to research by the University of Technology Sydney, houseplants can help reduce carbon dioxide levels by around 10% in air-conditioned offices and around 25% in buildings without air conditioning.

Help reduce noise

Research by London South Bank University in 1995 showed that indoor plants in the office (mainly placed in larger pots in multiple locations at the edges and corners of the room) help to reduce distracting noises in the office environment.

They help increase creativity

The 2015 Human Space Report showed that the presence of greenery in the office helps to increase employee productivity by up to 15%. The presence of flowers in the office increases the psychological well-being of employees, which also increases their creativity.

Plants suitable for the office

The Palm

Palm trees of various species benefit from diffuse light, ideally in partial shade. They are suitable for most offices and are relatively maintenance-free when it comes to watering.


Ivy is a very unpretentious plant that is a great natural air purifier. Ivy is relatively easy to grow, so it is perfect for an office environment. It is suitable for less sunny offices. It does not like high temperatures, so it is not advisable to place ivy near a heater. Ideally, this green plant should be hung or placed on furniture to create a beautiful green wall.


Ficus is the ideal houseplant for the office, which does not mind warm or shady environments.  


If you or any of your office colleagues are not natural gardeners, but would still like to give your workplace a little green, get a shovel. Shovelers thrive even in the absence of care. It likes high humidity and diffused light. In terms of effects, buckthorn is another great natural air purifier as it has the ability to absorb volatile organic compounds.


It does not tolerate direct sun and requires regular watering. This is a dracena. Another ideal plant for the office that is relatively easy to grow.

Plants in the office are a recent fashion trend. Not only do they have a great effect on our productivity and health, but they are also a very pleasant aesthetic addition to any interior. Green walls, windowsills full of succulents or pots on your desk. Whatever flower arrangement you choose, adapt it so that the type of plant will thrive in the chosen location.

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