Onboarding in the Czech Republic. Feeling like the first dance

Onboarding in the Czech Republic. Feeling like the first dance

Try it differently and pay attention to new employees.

Do you remember your first day at your new job? What was the experience like? Most Czech employees would probably answer: not much. When starting a new job, incoming team members often have the feelings of a teenage student who has just been dropped off by his or her mother in front of the ballroom where he or she is about to take his or her first dance class. In her mind, she's thinking, I can't dance. But nobody cares, nobody asks me anything. The first day at a new job is often not better. No one explains anything to you, you have to fend for yourself. Your computer access doesn't work, so you turn to your colleague on the right. He gives you the number of the IT technician, but your phone doesn't work. You find out why, and after a long search you don't find the cause, the phone is not connected. You ask your colleague on the left for help and he pretends not to hear you.

However, the experience of joining your company should in no way resemble the awkward feelings of a teenage student. HR managers normally accept the new team member and trust that they have made the right choice. It is then their job to ensure that he or she integrates seamlessly into the structure of the organisation. A quick glance at the statistics clearly suggests that first impressions really do make all the difference in determining whether a new employee will still be working for your company a year from now. Companies spend tens of thousands of crowns on recruitment systems, interviews, recruitment agency work and then see their investment devalued in the first few days of employment.

Why do Czech companies neglect onboarding?

The reasons why the process of integrating a new employee into the team does not work ideally in Czech companies are basically twofold. The first reason is the overload of current workers and managers. Employees are not able to fulfil their tasks, so the HR department complements the team with a new colleague. However, the team is so busy that they don't have time to adapt, they simply assign the new team member to a job, explain the essentials and then they have to manage on their own. The second reason for poor onboarding is more systemic. Many companies in the Czech Republic suffer from a high turnover rate, workers come and go and nobody finds it strange anymore. HR managers work in a constant stream of recruiting new people and don't have time to diagnose the problems that lead to high attrition rates. Is the reason a bad recruitment process or workplace conditions or does the team have the wrong manager?

How can onboarding be improved easily and effectively?

The good news is that you, as an HR manager, have a variety of technology tools at your disposal to help you fix your company's onboarding problems. The right HR software will make onboarding simpler and clearer, and it's a tool that you can use for remote work.

Set expectations and share documentation

Routine and clearly set expectations are the best start for any employee. Simply give new colleagues the basic principles of working in your organisation, share a calendar with them and give them a list of all expectations and responsibilities, including the next important tasks. Remember that most new employees probably left their previous employer because they were not happy with their previous employer. They may not have the right work routine from their previous job. Allow for this fact and help them acclimate. Involve HR software in the new employee's adjustment process. If you choose the right HR software, the system itself will assign the employee all the necessary documents to help them integrate into the team.

Check how the adaptation process is going

If you hand over a new employee to their manager and take no further interest in their adaptation, it is highly likely that they will feel isolated. The solution is control. Visit the new employee regularly and ask about their experience. Use HR software to set up online courses to see if the employee has all the information they need to do their job, but also to get effective feedback. If a new employee needs help in certain areas, use HR software to create e-learning courses.

The right HR software helps you look after your team

Onboarding is not really a science, it is basically extra work. HR managers need to recognize and set up a routine to attract and retain the best employees. If organizations realize that the most creative, talented, and qualified workers can find good-paying jobs anywhere, then the right onboarding setup can be the tool that sets your company apart from competing offers in the eyes of the best employees.

The right HR software will make the onboarding process better and more efficient. The easiest way to try out HR software is with a demo. Pinya HR software offers free and complimentary access to a demo where you can try out all the benefits of the software. Request demo access credentials simply by filling out an online form.

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