New employee. What can the HR department do to ensure his/her successful integration into the company?

New employee. What can the HR department do to ensure his/her successful integration into the company?

A new employee is a challenge for every HR manager. He or she has to provide all the necessary work documentation, work tools relevant for the performance of his or her profession, introduce him or her to the team, provide training and do everything in such a way that the new employee is motivated and the HR department does not burden him or her with too much bureaucracy.

We've put together a few steps to make onboarding a new colleague easier and ensure that the new employee can quickly perform at 100%.

Eliminate the possibility of human error

Complicated, lengthy and annoying paperwork is an integral part of every new employee's entry. If this paperwork is done manually, it carries a high risk of error. However, this process can be significantly streamlined by using specialist software designed to manage HR processes. The right software will fill in all important employee data for the HR manager, prepare HR documents automatically, conduct online training for the new employee, assign the necessary tools and schedule important meetings.

The possibility of human error is eliminated to a minimum and the recruiter has the time and space to focus on integrating the new colleague into the team.

We will be happy to help you automate the administrative work associated with new hires. Try a free, no-obligation demo of Pinya HR software that handles all the paperwork for you related to employee records, handing out job aids, training and more.

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Create a "welcome team"

In addition to basic training, which can be done online via software, it is very beneficial to have seasoned team members mentor a new employee as they begin their work. However, these experienced employees are usually very busy and often forget or put off working with new colleagues. It is therefore advisable to establish binding procedures for integration.

The procedures for adapting a new colleague are always individual and depend on the internal corporate culture of the company. Short meetings of about 20 minutes with colleagues both in the immediate team and in other departments, which are informal, are very beneficial. Another beneficial tool to establish mentors who guide the new colleague through all the processes in the company. They work together and the mentor supervises the correct implementation of the new employee's tasks. The mentor can also conduct testing of the newcomer, in the form of questions about some tasks they have discussed in the past.

Creating a welcome team, including mentors, is made easier by software that can automatically create an organizational structure and assign employees to specific supervisors. Pinya HR software also performs this function. Try out the organizational structure in a free, no-obligation demo: REQUEST TO JOIN PINYA HR DEMO

Don't forget to be in a good mood

People decide to join your company probably because they believe you offer them better working conditions and opportunities to develop their personal career. They also expect a pleasant working team. All these expectations are legitimate and should be met. It is important not to suffocate new employees with too much administration and to focus on integrating them into the team.

You can promote good mood and teamwork by organising informal events and outings. It is advisable to involve a large number of employees in organising these activities so that everyone can play their part.

Every comment and request made by an employee should be listened to by the HR department and the employee should feel that their voice is heard. If your employees feel that the company is invested in them, it will be reflected in their good mood and increased work performance.

Ask for feedback

Preparing a complete onboarding process is only the first part of properly integrating a newcomer into the work team. Once all the initial tasks have been completed and the newcomer has been integrated into the team, it's time to get feedback. Ask the new colleague how he or she feels at work, how satisfied he or she was with the reception, the information he or she received at the beginning of the job and what he or she would change or adjust if necessary. Each new suggestion or comment will help you fine-tune the new employee's onboarding process.

Some companies approach the process of adapting a new colleague as a game. They offer the employee the opportunity to choose what to do for the first week. Whether they want to work immediately in a team or study the standards, work on an independent task or just with a mentor. Depending on their wishes, they will then set up the onboarding process for the employee. In addition, this alternative approach allows the HR department to uncover the employee's characteristics, work practices and approach to work in general.

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