How to effectively implement hybrid working models

How to effectively implement hybrid working models

The hybrid model is an increasingly desirable benefit in the work environment. Limits on working hours and location are removed, so employees can work from abroad, for example. What benefits does the model bring for employers and how to grasp it correctly? Is it possible to maintain a company culture in an environment that is not bounded by 4 walls?

Advances in technology and changes in the work environment are bringing a hybrid model of work to the front line. As part of this year's trends, it is becoming the new standard for the work environment.

The appeal of working from home

The hybrid working model is now seen as an important benefit that allows employees to combine their professional and private lives. It provides a form of independence in scheduling working hours and work location, meaning that the office is no longer the only place where employees can work effectively. A Moore Global survey confirmed that the introduction of the remote model increased employee productivity by 62% in selected companies.

Reasons for growing popularity among employees

The hybrid working model responds to the current changes in society, which are also reflected in the working environment. This trend was most pronounced in the Covid era. Employers were forced to adapt the company's operations to the pandemic and set up a full remote environment. Employees have had to get used to the ability to set their own hours and environment and do not want to lose it.

Hybrid work breaks down the boundaries between personal and professional life, leading to an increase in overall life satisfaction and thus increasing efficiency and job satisfaction.

Another popularity factor is the reduction of time spent travelling to work, which has a positive effect not only on work-life balance.

The benefits of hybrid models for employers

Reduction of turnover

The hybrid working model attracts candidates looking for a work-life balance. By implementing it, the company demonstrates consideration for employees' needs, which can strengthen their attachment to the organisation and increase loyalty. This reduces employee turnover and the associated costs of recruiting and training new employees.

The use of this model can be advantageous even if the employee changes his/her place of residence. The ability to work remotely eliminates the need to search for a replacement and invest in a new hire.

Flexibility in the choice of working environment increases employer attractiveness and makes it easier to attract top talent in the labour market.

Without geographic restrictions, the company has access to a wider range of qualified candidates, which is key to remaining competitive in a dynamic labour market environment.

Cost reduction

The hybrid working model can also lead to a reduction in operating costs, which are rising every year.

For example, it is a cost saving on office space. Using the teleworking model, the use of office space can be optimised to reduce the number of employees. This is also associated with lower energy and utility costs. With fewer people in the office, electricity, heating and other utility costs also decrease.

At the same time, travel expenses and employee emissions will be reduced. Employees who previously commuted by company car will now save money spent on commuting and contribute to reducing CO2 emissions. This is also linked to a more efficient use of time. Eliminating commuting and reducing unnecessary meetings can improve time management and focus on work.

Flexibility can lead to increased employee satisfaction and loyalty, which translates positively into employee productivity.

The challenges of the hybrid work environment

Successful coordination of remote teams requires a carefully thought-out approach and clear processes. These are the 6 basic rules needed to maintain well-functioning teams:

1. Establish uniform communication channels. All teams should use common platforms to maximize transparency.

2. Establish regular online meetings. Maintain stability and team cohesion through regular conference calls or video conferences.

3. Create detailed project plans. Scheduling tasks and deadlines helps keep track of work progress and reduces the risk of chaos.

4. Strengthen confidence and autonomy. Fostering employee independence leads to greater motivation and efficiency at work.

5. Monitor and evaluate performance. Objective output measurement and feedback are key to successful remote team management and development.

6. Protect company data through IT support. Cybersecurity requirements are escalating with the increasing number of access points in the hybrid work model.

Maintaining company culture and cooperation

Maintaining a strong company culture in an environment where the home office plays a significant role is a significant challenge. It is essential to establish clear guidelines to determine when and where employees can telecommute without disrupting company processes and culture. In such cases, keeping the values, mission and vision of the organisation alive across all channels is essential.

To maintain a proactive approach among employees, activities by the HR department or department team leaders are also needed. They should encourage the maintenance of information flow and transparency in the teams. They can do this by regularly sharing work results, project progress and employees' personal lives.

Working remotely also reduces informal interactions, which can weaken team spirit. Therefore, the inclusion of virtual team building activities and interactive online meetings are crucial to maintaining a functioning team. These activities help to simulate face-to-face meetings, strengthen relationships and foster recognition of achievements within the team.

Another option is to set aside a day a week or month to spend in the office when the whole team gets together, or quarterly outdoor activities, team building and breakfasts. For more tips on how to get employees involved in company events, check out this article.

Technology as the basis for success

Effective communication and the right use of technology are essential pillars of a successful hybrid working model. To ensure that your teams remain coordinated and unified across different locations and sometimes time zones, choosing the right communication platforms and tools is essential.

Digitalisation and technology play a key role in adapting to changing working conditions. This includes cloud services, project management tools and communication platforms such as Slack, Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

In such an environment, HR software is another must-have that gives you visibility into where your employees are. Employees can request any absence with a single click. It also allows you to sign documents remotely, so you no longer have to go to the post office to get signed documents back.

Properly implemented technology tools allow for smooth collaboration only if employees are adequately familiar with the tools.

Companies should continuously invest in training employees in digital literacy. This is the only way employees can fully use the collaboration and communication tools of the hybrid work model and reap its benefits.

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