What is HR software and what does it need to do to be of real benefit to users?

What is HR software and what does it need to do to be of real benefit to users?

HR software is the (digital) right hand of HR professionals. It serves primarily to digitalize the HR agenda and at the same time to make the management of human resources in the company more convenient.

HR software can exist independently as a superstructure to payroll and attendance systems. In these software systems it is not possible to process payroll and record the time period in which the employee was at work, how many hours he actually worked and how long he was on lunch. These functions are handled by the attendance and payroll systems. The advantage of stand-alone HR software is a number of specific and sophisticated functionalities related to HR processes, but also the possibility of access to HR software not only for HR but also for other employees.

HR software can also be purchased as part of a payroll or time and attendance system. This type of software is appealing in terms of its large number of functions, but due to its complexity it is not very attractive and often HR is not adequately addressed.

HR software and its functions

There is no standard that specifies what HR software should include. So what is the key factor in choosing a good HR software? And what are the most common features?

  • Register of job applicants
  • Employee onboarding
  • Records of employees and their documents
  • Creation of documents for payroll
  • Attendance records
  • Leave records
  • Records and administration of employment benefits
  • Records of business trips
  • Maintaining information on the job description and competences of employees
  • Staff appraisals and personal development plans
  • Job classification of the employee
  • Operational records on employees
  • Records of work aids and equipment
  • Managing employee permissions
  • Termination of an employee's employment

Onboarding and employee data recording

The basis of HR software is the employee data record. This data is used not only for keeping records of employees in the digital environment, but also for other company processes. Related to this is the so-called employee onboarding or another very useful time-saving function for HR managers. Are you recruiting a new employee? Send him a personal questionnaire via HR software. The data that the new employee fills in the special online questionnaire is automatically written into his/her employee card directly in the HR software. The HR manager can only check the completed data, not overwrite it.

Documentation management in HR software

Employee records also include an online record of their documents. If the software offers the option to "Familiarize yourself with documents" already during onboarding, you again have less to worry about. Allocate the necessary documentation to the employee and monitor whether he or she is already familiar with it. All this without printing out papers and forever reminding yourself. The software takes care of everything for you. You can add all the employee's documentation, from employment contracts and payslips, to medical forms, certificates and handover reports.

Approval of absences

Of course, the HR software should include records of leave or attendance of the employee. Good HR software is accessible to both HR managers and employees. It should be the link between corporate HR and other employees. Keep records of employee attendance, approve leave and create the basis for payroll.

Other handy HR software features

Another useful function of the HR software is the recording and management of employment benefits. Order and manage employee benefits directly from the HR software.

Keep track of business trips, create personal development plans, employee evaluations, organizational structures, etc. You can also keep track of employee assets.

Don't you want every employee in the system to have the same rights and be able to view the personal data of other employees? Adjust his/her powers as you see fit. A good HR software will allow you to do this.

HR software as a real asset for the company

But how do you know if HR software will be a real asset to your company? Consider whether it contains all the features you need in your company. If not, see if the required features can be retrofitted to your company. Good HR software should be constantly evolving and should be regularly updated with new features in response to company requirements or the current situation. Look at the roadmap of planned features of the HR software and find out what new features the developers plan to add to the system and in what timeframe.

If the software provider makes it possible and convenient for you, buy only the parts of the software that you will actually use. If the company has what is known as a marketplace, research the individual components and purchase software modules according to your requirements.

Lastly, try a demo version of the software and have an expert present it to you. If the HR software provider allows you to try it out, don't hesitate to take advantage of this offer. Test how the system works for you, whether it is easy to use and really allows you to do everything you want. If you are interested in the demo version, also have an expert from the company offering the software present the individual functions. You can ask about any uncertainties or arrange for turnkey customisation.

If you're thinking about getting HR software for your company, try the demo version of Pinya HR software and see if our HR software is the right choice for your company. You can try it here.

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