9 reasons to automate your company's recruitment process

9 reasons to automate your company's recruitment process

Like other industries, HR is experiencing an era of gradual automation and digitalization. This development affects all spheres of HR activities in the company and does not avoid the seemingly highly individualised area of selecting new employees. Even selection procedures can be easily automated and simplify the work of HR managers in selecting new colleagues.

Why should you consider incorporating selection automation into your recruitment process?

Recruiters who choose to automate the recruitment process reap several benefits. Here's a list of the most important ones.

Increased productivity

Automation is not meant to replace recruiters, but rather to enable them to work more efficiently and make important decisions faster and better. The right software will enable the digitisation of CVs, managers' comments on job offers, automate the scheduling of interviews and offer recruiters the space to focus on more meaningful work. The result is better and more talented people.

Improving the quality of the recruitment process

The automation of tenders not only increases their efficiency but also their quality. This is because it allows recruiters to hire candidates based on characteristics predefined for success in a given job. The software will see for you whether the candidate meets your expectations, allowing you to easily select offers, leading to a more consistent and higher quality hiring decision for a given colleague.

Higher candidate satisfaction

Automation software technologies help not only recruiters but also candidates. Digitising the recruitment agenda frees up recruiters to focus more on building relationships with potential candidates. Job seekers feel that they are being communicated with, they feel that the selection process is efficient, they get answers to their queries faster and they don't have to wait long to hear about acceptance or non-acceptance.

Transparent selection procedures

The use of software technology to evaluate and compare candidates helps to remove common biases that naturally occur in the recruitment process and thus distort the outcome. Automation therefore contributes to transparency and objectivity in decision-making. Another important element that digitisation of the recruitment process often brings is a greater degree of diversity in work teams.

Speeding up the selection procedure

Every day that an important position in the company is not filled, the company loses profit and productivity. Automating the recruitment process allows you to screen individual candidates more quickly, take better care of communication with them, and helps you make decisions faster. Without exaggeration, the right software saves the company here both money and time.

Linking to job advertising portals

One of the most effective examples of automating the recruitment process is linking the software to job advertising portals. HR software can link the job portal advertisement with its data and thus fundamentally simplifies the work of recruiters. Thanks to easier administration, the software also saves costs, as it allows better targeting of job portal advertising to the right candidates.

Track the recruitment process online

The digitalization and automation of the recruitment process allows recruiters and managers to monitor the progress of the selection process virtually online. The tracking starts with the creation of a new position in the selection section, and continues throughout the recruitment process, where managers can follow new candidates, studying their CVs, portfolios and supporting documents in detail. They can clearly see at what stage of the selection process each participant is in and not lose track of all applicants.

Linking candidates to their social media profiles

Most recruiters today use social networks such as LinkedIN, Facebook or Instagram to find out information about candidates, but also to recruit them. Recruitment software can link social networking profiles to its database so you have all the information clearly stored in one place.

Linking to the onboarding process

Once you've selected the right candidate, the onboarding process begins. You need to introduce him to the personnel records, indicate his position in the organigram, assign him the necessary equipment, familiarize him with the company's operations, and give him directives and manuals. The right software can do all this with a mouse click.

Do you want to try tender automation? Create your own digitised selection procedure in the PINYA HR software. Simply request a 14-day trial version via our website and the complete application, which can not only automate selection procedures but also other processes in the company, will be available to you for 14 days free of charge and without obligation.

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