6 tips on how to use remote working effectively

6 tips on how to use remote working effectively

Telework is becoming increasingly popular. The pandemic has shown many people that working from home suits them better than commuting to the office. If you've managed to arrange a remote collaboration with your boss, great. But how do you make the most of it?

Unlike a home office, where the employee splits his or her time between home and office, remote or telecommuting work takes place entirely outside the office. If you're one of those people who choose to work remotely, we've written 6 tips to make the most of it.

Even when working remotely, define your workplace

When working remotely, it can sometimes be challenging to stay focused and not get sidetracked. So set boundaries. Separate your workspace with an imaginary partition made up of bookshelves or surround yourself with room dividers. In short, position your workspace so that you can't see the unmade bed or the mountain of unwashed dishes.

Use your time efficiently

By working remotely, you save a lot of time that you would have spent travelling to the office. With a half-hour trip, that's 5 hours per week, which is definitely not a little. Use the time you save in a meaningful way. For example, you can read a chapter from a book, listen to a podcast or work out in the morning. There are no limits to your imagination.

Create habits

Do you feel that being in your pajamas all day negatively affects your psyche? Try getting up in the morning and getting ready as if you were going to the office. Take a shower, brush your hair, dress nicely. You'll work much better.

Prepare your food in advance

Don't interrupt your work flow because you have to cook lunch. Prepare your meals in advance as if you were going to work in the office. You won't have time to cook and eat in 30 minutes, so why stress about it? Instead, stretch after lunch.

Explore new places

The great advantage of remote work is that in most cases it doesn't matter where you work from. If you're tired of sitting in your apartment, take advantage of it. Do you have family abroad and haven't found time to visit them in a long time? Or do you prefer to be in a cooler climate in the summer instead of a heated apartment? Pack a suitcase, grab your laptop and work from the place you work best.

Make a full stop after work

With remote work, it's easy to lose track of time and suddenly find yourself working an hour longer than you planned. If this happens more often than you'd like, end the workday by taking a walk. This will interrupt your original train of thought and you will be less inclined to return to work when you return from your walk.

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