3 powerful HR software features to make remote working easier

3 powerful HR software features to make remote working easier

Three powerful HR software features that allow you to collaborate to the fullest when working remotely.

There is no doubt that the global shift that is happening now has changed the world of work. Organizations of all sizes have taken a number of steps to move some employees into remote worker roles. It is a widely accepted fact that teleworking brings a number of benefits.

It offers employees time flexibility, which is an important element in maintaining a quality workforce. By leveraging teleworking, organisations can collaborate with a wider pool of talent. At the same time, there is increasing pressure to implement quality software tools that not only enable remote collaboration, but also make it easier and more efficient. One of these powerful tools is undoubtedly HR software that helps HR managers work to their full potential even in a home office environment.

Companies face many challenges in organising teleworking, which are felt by both managers and rank-and-file employees. Teams cannot communicate in person, in the way they are used to. It takes longer than usual to deal with practical administrative tasks. HR software can be a tool that makes it easy to overcome these challenges.

HR administration digitally

The COVID-19 pandemic required increased effort from HR managers, who were tasked with maintaining employee performance while ensuring their health and safety. Ensuring a balance between physical presence in the workplace and maintaining productivity is no easy task. HR managers have had to weigh on imaginary scales when an employee's presence in the office is necessary and which tasks, on the other hand, can be left to remote collaboration. Meanwhile, administration has become an area that most employers have decided to relegate to the remote collaboration section first. HR managers had to ensure that employee data was updated in the company's internal systems, and that information about holidays, days off and unpaid days or sick days was effectively communicated. The challenge was to solve the challenge of remotely approving requests for these days off while not losing information related to absences. HR software can automate and digitize all these administrative tasks. Those companies that have chosen to engage HR software now handle all HR processes automatically. The significant simplification of administration brought about by HR software will be appreciated not only today, but also in the post-covid era.

Courses and surveys

Collaboration at a distance cannot be done without the transfer of professional information in both directions, i.e. from managers to employees and vice versa. For effective remote working, it is therefore very important to include e-learning tools, which should be part of any good HR software. If managers need to pass on important professional information to their subordinates or keep them continuously educated, e-learning courses are a great tool to keep the team performing in home office times. The right HR software will allow managers to easily create different types of courses. Managers will be able to assign a course to a specific employee, the system will self-evaluate the testing results, and managers will have instant feedback.

However, the courses and surveys feature also gives employees themselves a voice. HR software should allow you to create surveys in which employees can express their needs, opinions and ideas. In times of covid uncertainty, keeping employees engaged is very necessary. The surveys you create with HR software not only allow you to better understand your people, but also offer employees a place to anonymously and securely house their opinions on various work topics. Long-running surveys of HR managers show that 89% agree with the statement that ongoing feedback and follow-up is key to successful business results. HR software thus helps companies maintain profitability even in times of remote collaboration.

Compatibility connects the company

For remote collaboration, it is essential that employees working in different software tools can effectively connect their work. The HR manager needs information from the accounting software, for the employees it is essential to have access to the internal information system. Connecting with Microsoft 365 office suite tools with Office 365 features and the intranet in SharePoint is very important. The right HR software can link all these tools together to create a unified environment that every employee can navigate immediately. When working remotely, it is very important not to duplicate work. An employee makes a change in the internal system and the HR software automatically informs the HR manager of the change, there is no need to write emails or make lengthy phone calls. Higher efficiency and employee satisfaction is the main benefit of a properly chosen HR software.

Our working world has evolved very quickly. It has had no choice but to respond to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of this change, employees need more than ever to connect with HR managers and their supervisors. Choose a tool that will help you maintain engaged and high-performing work teams during this time. Try Pinya HR software that addresses all three areas we've summarized in our article as essential to boosting your workforce performance. Explore its benefits and ease of use through a demo. You can try the software completely free and without obligation, just request access details via the web contact form. Join us and jump on the bandwagon of digitizing HR processes with quality software.  

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