Xenials. Who are they and why is it worth paying attention to them?

Xenials. Who are they and why is it worth paying attention to them?

Most HR managers are currently focusing heavily on the millennial generation. HR manuals stress that this generation needs a significantly different approach from management to remain productive, and perhaps that's why millennials are drawing so much attention to themselves. However, there is an entire generation that is often forgotten in HR work. This generation is called xennials.

Who are the xenials?

Persons born between 1977 and 1985 are commonly classified as xennials. This microgeneration is the link between millennials and Generation X. Xennials combine the humor and efficiency of Generation X with the drive and optimism of today's millennials. This generation lived an "analog" childhood, but in adolescence or early adulthood quickly adapted digital technology into their lives.

How do xenials work?

The potential of xenials in the workforce is great, yet often underestimated. Here are the basic reasons to start putting more emphasis on working with xennials:

Xenials are highly adaptive

Xenials were born at the dawn of modern technology. They grew up with cassette tapes, CD players and MP3 players. Development was coming at them in leaps and bounds, and they adapted seamlessly. So they are very adaptive, they can think abstractly and they are not afraid to find new and novel solutions.

Xenials are team players

Xenials grew up in a collective, spending their time with peers of the same age. As a result, they have highly developed social skills and enjoy working in teams. They get along with both Gen Xers and millennials.

Xenials like to learn

Let's face it, Generation X often sticks very strictly to their previously learned practices. Millennials, on the other hand, are too inward-looking and don't listen to others. Xennials have strong opinions but are also open to coaching. They have no problem compromising and are happy to listen to the opinions of others.

Xenials know the real work-life balance

Unlike the youngest of today's generation, xennials don't spend hours with their smartphones in their hands. They know how important it is to make time for their hobbies, which translates positively into their productivity.

Xenials can be great intergenerational mediators

It's hard for Generation X to understand millennials, but they usually get along with xennials. Xennials, on the other hand, can deal with millennials. Because this microgeneration understands both sides, it can work great as a mediator between workers of these different generations.

How to manage xenials in your company?

Age diversity in the workplace does not guarantee success. But if you pay careful attention to all the generations represented on your team, you're on the right track. Here are some tips on how to work with a micro-generation of xennials:

Avoid labelling

Managers should not talk about generational differences. Instead, they should treat each worker individually. Xennials will appreciate it if you emphasize the value of teamwork, open communication and collaboration.

Set common goals and values

The common values that employees will share across departments bring a positive mood to the workplace and motivate them to work together. Xennials will appreciate setting shared values because it will help them build trust across generations.

Offer equal opportunities for everyone

Opportunities for career growth and promotion should be based on skills and merit, not on seniority or personal ties. Xennials are open and fair workers and expect the same attitude from their employer.

Evaluate employees based on their performance

Avoid evaluating employees according to the generation to which they belong. Xennials are an in-between generation that can understand almost anyone and therefore will appreciate being judged on their performance and the value they bring to the company.

Use modern technology

Xenials like modern technology, they know how to use it and therefore expect to be able to use it in their work. Remote collaboration, shared calendars, using Office 365 productivity tools, all of these should be incorporated into the workflow.


Don't overload your staff with a lot of administrative work, use modern software solutions to automate repetitive processes.

The right HR software can help you manage all generations of employees

As HR managers, you need to free your hands from routine administration in order to have enough time to manage the xennials and other generations working in your company. So, to manage people properly, it is essential to engage a software solution that automates and digitizes company processes. Pinya HR software is perfect for this challenge. Try out its handy features in a no-obligation, free demo. Request access to the demo simply via the web form and improve the care of employees of all generations.

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