Personnel issues that employees deal with in relation to the HR department

Personnel issues that employees deal with in relation to the HR department

The HR department is an essential part of any successful company. It is the department that administers employee payroll, finds new colleagues and takes care of current employees. That is why HR is the backbone of every company. The goal of HR is to get motivated and satisfied employees. Of course, no HR department works 100% and there are always areas where employees have reservations about HR management.

And what are the main reservations and personnel problems employees have in relation to the HR department? This is the answer to an interesting foreign research conducted by Paychex, which asked 1000 employees in different companies about their satisfaction and dissatisfaction with HR management. Here are the most interesting results of this survey, which we can easily apply to the Czech Republic.

Comparison of expectations and reality

The following chart shows a comparison of the actual tasks that the HR department normally performs with the expectations of employees.

Most employees and HR staff agree that the role of human resource management is to resolve employee conflicts, administer employee benefits, and process payroll. However, there is a difference in the perception of training and working with new applicants. Here, employees do not expect the HR department to spend as much time selecting new colleagues and training them.

Employee dissatisfaction with the performance of the HR department

The following chart shows the percentage of employees who are dissatisfied with the performance of specific HR department activities.

The data shows that employees are not satisfied with the care given to them by the HR department in the areas of dispute resolution, training and hiring new colleagues. On the other hand, they are mostly satisfied with the level of administrative work. It is therefore clear that HR staff should pay more attention to their current colleagues and reduce the administrative and paperwork activities that are holding them back most in this area.

Complaints to the Personnel Department by job title

The highest level of dissatisfaction is reported by employees at the so-called senior level, i.e. managerial positions reporting to top management. These workers are most affected by the difficulties of resolving a wide range of disputes and often feel underpaid.

How to improve employee expectations?

The expectations and demands of employees in relation to human resource management are high and the HR department often does not have the time or human resources to meet all the demands placed on the department.

The solution is clearly the automation of administrative and paper processes. These regular, repetitive activities can be easily, clearly and cheaply solved by specialized HR software, which will do the cumbersome administrative work for the HR manager and give him time and space to devote to real work with colleagues.

We can help you automate these HR processes. Try Pinya HR software free of charge to take care of all the administrative work for you.

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