How does e-learning work in PINYA HR software?

How does e-learning work in PINYA HR software?

E-learning is a very popular form of digital learning that takes place through modern computer technology and using the World Wide Web. Its forms, as well as its history, are very diverse. Currently, e-learning education is mainly used in education, corporate training and healthcare.

Distance or also home education is gaining importance especially in the current times of emergency, when students as well as employees in large work from home.

The Pinya HR software offers its own e-learning module for these cases. In the following lines, we will present what this module can do and how not only HR managers can quickly and efficiently integrate it into their company.

What is Pinya HR e-learning for?

Through the e-learning function in the HR software Pinya HR the company can implement the following forms of sharing:

  • Statutory professional training: mandatory and statutory training is a great opportunity to use e-learning. A company can save a lot of money and time by using distance learning. E-learning is especially worthwhile for large companies and corporations. Through Pinya HR, you can deliver courses such as driver training, workplace safety, fire safety, first aid and other courses that can be completed from home or a work computer. So, even during home office, employees can complete statutory professional training.
  • Professional certifications: the possibility to obtain a certificate for specialised and expert knowledge in, for example, soft skills or internet and computer skills. The home office is therefore an opportunity to increase the skills of your employees.
  • In-house training: especially suitable for teaching and maintaining knowledge and skills of specific work practices and technologies that help retain loyal and key employees of the company, eliminating turnover. Examples of such training that can be moved to a virtual environment in the home office era include language courses.

Pinya HR e-learning guide

My courses

Every employee has a personal page in Pinya HR. In the Courses tab, he can view the e-learning training courses that are assigned to him and he is tasked with completing them. At the same time, the tab also offers an overview of the courses that the user has already completed. For each of the listed and assigned courses, he can also see the course category, whether he has already completed any of the prescribed chapters and what the deadline is for completing the course. In case the employee is in delay in completing the course, the number of days of delay is also recorded by the system.

Course templates

The HR manager or other authorized employee who has editing rights in the Pinya HR system can view a list of all courses and can create course templates. In the list, the manager can see the names of the courses, the number of employees who are required to complete the course, the number of employees who have already successfully completed the course, and the date the courses were published and completed. In the list, columns can be easily filtered and moved with a mouse drag.    

Creating courses

Creating a new course or modifying an existing course is very easy in Pinya HR software.

Setting up basic course information

  • Course name
  • Number of days to complete the course since the employee was assigned it
  • Type of course
  • Whether the course is compulsory
  • Basic course description
  • Assigning courses to employees of specific divisions and departments

Chapters - creating course content

This section allows you to create individual course chapters. You can upload study materials to the chapters, which can be in text, listening or video form. For each study material, you can request that the employee read or listen to the entire course. Pinya HR allows you to disable video or skip text. You can also link individual chapters to each other; an employee must always complete the first chapter to see chapter 2.

Course detail for employees

Once a course is created, the employee is automatically assigned to the course. If the employee opens it, they will see a screen with the following information:

  • Course name
  • Course description
  • Course completion date
  • Your results in completing the course
  • List of individual chapters with the option to open them and start filling them in

Lesson detail

By clicking on each lesson, employees will be presented with either a video that they can play directly in the Pinya HR system, or a text file or listening recording. After completing a lesson, users can return to the course homepage with a simple back button to view the completion of the specific lesson.

Test questions

After completing a specific lesson or the entire course, it is possible to set the necessity of passing a test. Pinya HR allows you to create a range of test questions from open-ended, multiple choice, to scaled questions. The user can see the results immediately after completion in their course list, as well as the HR manager in the course templates, where they can also easily download the results into Microsoft Excel.


After completing the course, the Pinya HR software allows you to add feedback from a supervisor or HR manager to the results. So you can send praise or thank you for completing the course.


This section is only seen by the HR manager or a staff member with editorial authority. For each course, the manager sees a list of employees, including their photos, and the completion status of the course, including the date by which the course should be completed and the results achieved in completing the course. Again, the results can be filtered or transferred to a Microsoft Excel file.

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